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东南大学 林文松教授:On maximum $P_3$-packing in claw-free subcubic graphs

发布日期:2021-06-03    点击次数:


报告题目On maximum $P_3$-packing in claw-free subcubic graphs




报告时间2021.6.3 9:30-10:30




报告摘要:Let $P_3$ denote the path on three vertices. A $P_3$-packing of a given graph


$G$ is a collection of vertex-disjoint subgraphs of $G$ in which each subgraph is isomorphic


to $P_3$. The maximum $P_3$-packing problem is to find a $P_3$-packing of a given graph


$G$ which contains the maximum number of vertices of $G$. The perfect $P_3$-packing


problem is to decide whether a graph $G$ has a $P_3$-packing that covers all vertices of


$G$. Kelmans [A. Kelmans, Packing $3$-vertex paths in claw-free graphs and related topics,


Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(2011) 112-127] proposed the following problem: Is the


$P_3$-packing problem NP-hard in the class of claw-free graphs? In this paper, we solve the


problem by proving that the perfect $P_3$-packing problem in claw-free cubic planar graphs


is NP-complete. In addition, we show that for any connected claw-free cubic graph (resp.


$(2,3)$-regular graph, subcubic graph) $G$ with $v(G)\ge 14$ (resp. $v(G)\ge 8$, $v(G)\ge


3$), the maximum $P_3$-packing of $G$ covers at least $\lceil \frac{9v(G)-6}{10} \rceil$ (resp.


$\lceil \frac{6v(G)-6}{7} \rceil$, $\lceil \frac{3v(G)-6}{4} \rceil$) vertices, where $v(G)$ denotes


the order of $G$, and the bound is sharp. The proofs imply polynomial-time algorithms.




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